Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Curriculum Evaluation Task Three. The Classroom Consists

Curriculum Evaluation Task Three The classroom consists of eighteen students, seven boys and eleven girls. The students sit in six groups of three. The students are allowed to lean on each other for help, and to collaborate with heads together. The groups are switched every six weeks, and students are moved to different places around the room, and sit with different students each time. Every six weeks we go over character traits that make the word P. (Positive), R. (Respectful), I. (In control), D. (Dependable), and E. (Engaged). We talk about what it means to hear these traits, and what it looks like to be practicing these traits throughout the six weeks. While the weeks pass, students will be able to earn point using the traits†¦show more content†¦The classroom fits a learner centered classroom where the students come first. They rely on each person in their desk groups for support. At carpet time, the students are expected to turn and talk about questions posed to them throughout their learning experien ce. â€Å"Opportunities for collaborative learning provide benefits to students across grade levels, academic subjects, and achievement levels.† (Johnson and Johnson, 1999). The learning objective is for students to use critical thinking skills to create something out of a cardboard box collaborating with their peers. The multi-day unit lesson allows for students collaboration when they are trying to agree on a project to build. They need to compromise and be understanding to each other. At the beginning of the lesson, they are to draw four inventions of their choice. When everyone has completed their sketches, the students put heads together and agree to build something from the sketches they drew into one project. All throughout the build, they are working through difficulties and compromising on objects to use for the build. Common Core State Standards state that students are to practice conventions when speaking and writing about their project. The students are also to participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners including peers and adults. An example of this is all throughout the lesson, and whenShow MoreRelatedAutism Is A Developmental Disability That Presents At An Early Age1028 Words   |  5 PagesElan Fenderson ESP 607 Test Battery-Autism Autism is a developmental disability that presents at an early age (typically under the age of three years) that can affect a child’s educational performance. Child and adults can have deficiencies in communication, social skills, and using language. People with autism tend to engage in motor/vocal stereotypy. The spectrum for autism has a wide range from mild to severe. 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